Passion Vs. Money

What drives you? Passion or money? Here are some of my thoughts for the week…

To be honest, this week has been different from any other week because I am at loss for what my real passion is. Some things at work have rocked my perspective a little bit this week and it is difficult to pinpoint if I would prefer to make more money or pursue my passion.

A few questions that I would love to ask successful entrepreneurs would be, what has helped you find your passion, what has motivated you to pursue your passion, and has that helped you make money?

In a presentation that Guy Kawasaki gave, he spoke about how you shouldn’t do something because you want to be rich, you should do something because you love it. He motivated me to really reflect on what I love and what I want to pursue in life.

What is passion without working to perfect and refine your passion and skills? What makes money worth earning and growing without the ability to have patience and mastery. As I finished reading Mastery by George Leonard this week, I really reflected on how I can improve myself and achieve mastery. I want to find my passion, pursue it, master it, and if possible make money doing it! If I am to succeed in this quest, I need to be diligent and dedicated. By pursuing a lifelong path of learning to master myself and my skills I think I will have the ability to remain diligent and I will be able to find joy as I pursue my passion, while also enjoying making money doing it.

Going forward, I have set some personal goals. Those goals have been partially inspired from the advise from George Leonard and partially from my own desire to improve. Here are the five goals I am going to work on over the next 2 months that will help me live the path of mastery throughout my life and that will help me pursue my passions:

  1. Be patient with myself and enjoy the routines and practices in my life.
  2. Take time to meditate and ponder in the morning.
  3. Maintain great physical health by exercising and eating healthy.
  4. Live every moment of every day with intention.
  5. Remember that I am on a lifelong journey, not trying to reach a final destination.

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