Disciple Leadership

Disciple leadership may seem contradictory, but when we look into the deeper meaning, it can be a great tool for you, the individual, and for others whom you may associate with.

At Brigham Young University- Idaho, we learn to become disciple leaders as we prepare, teach one another, and ponder and prove. I believe this is a great way to become and remain a great leader. Jesus Christ is our ultimate example and He is the ultimate example of a disciple leader. As we prepare and study, we empower ourselves with the knowledge to go out and teach others. When we are able to teach others, it gives us the chance to ponder what we have studied and taught and then also the opportunity to prove what we know to be true.

In the business world, disciple leaders help empower their employees and coworkers. I like the example of Commander D. Michael Abrashoff, the former commander of the USS Benfold. In just one simple example of his great leadership, he decided to close down his quarters and he decided to eat with the crew – something that no other commander ever did. What may seem like little acts like this resulted in great outcomes. Commander Abrasnoff decided to lead by example which in turn created more retention and a better crew. If we can humble ourselves enough to lead by example and truly become a disciple leader, we will find more joy and success along our journey.

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